Indiana 2019
hope center
·Repainted/refreshed interior
·Built new shelving for organization
·Cleaned out and tidied up
We love to serve the Lord in foreign fields, but we also value so personally serving the Lord right here in the United States! We are always amazed at the need in our own neighborhoods and communities, and the Hope Center in Indiana is no exception. Paraklete was able to send over 60 people from Community Bible Church to update and refresh this organization in an effort to better reach the community for Christ.
The Hope Center is a pro-life organization in a high-risk community. Jen Young, current director, heads up this organization as she and her staff guide expecting couples, mothers considering abortion, at-risk teens, and those dealing with the aftermath of pregnancy/abortion to the Lord. When we heard of Jen's burden for her community, we knew we wanted to get on board and help in any way possible!
With over 60 people, ranging from ages 6-75+, we were able to accomplish an incredible amount of work in just one afternoon at the Hope Center. Skilled contractors offered up their time and experience and got to work patching drywall, trimming in the doors, removing old flooring, and building new shelves for much-needed storage space. Many men and women of all ages grabbed paint rollers and brushes and made quick work of repainting and refreshing much of the interior of the patient rooms, meeting rooms, storage rooms, and kitchen. Kids and adults alike cleaned out unneeded items to make additional room for storage, donations, supplies, etc.
We're so grateful for the opportunity to help the Hope Center on this project! We continue to praise the Lord for donations made to fund projects like these here in the States and around the world. Serving the Lord doesn't require a specific skill set or start at a certain age... We know not everyone can come and work, but we are thankful for those who give up time, money, and prayer to encourage those who can go. We look forward to what the Lord has coming up, so stay tuned for more projects to come!