The Tentmaking Opportunities effort is a mission’s initiative designed to directly aid nationals with various indigenous projects that help them become self-supported, therefore making them less reliant on American dollars. Since the global economy is so volatile, we feel the urgency to help foreign nationals become self-supported. This effort creates an entrepreneurial opportunity for involved foreign nationals to provide for themselves and their families, implementing the biblical principle of tentmaking as means for mission work.
Tentmaking Opportunities is designed to support projects that provide indigenous people with education, training, employment, and business opportunities. These projects foster indigenous peoples' aspirations to care for and support their local church and national pastor while maintaining the integrity of their cultural traditions. Tentmaking Opportunities also allows for the spreading of the gospel to some of the most remote portions of the world while providing the best opportunity for indigenous believers to carry on the great commission with a lasting foundation.
Tentmaking Opportunities seek to contribute to safe and supportive communities and improve community cohesion with the “light of the gospel” while maintaining a healthy respect for the local culture. By assisting nationals with a viable source of reliable income, Paraklete hopes to keep an indigenous church alive, empowered, vibrant, and lead by a national pastor. Help us make a difference with your support as we strive to carry the gospel to the “uttermost part of the earth” according to Acts 1:8 and teach others to do likewise! Our prayer and desire is to watch our amazing God, who “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Ephesians 3:20), bless our efforts as we attempt to empower our fellow believers overseas.